Originally written for the getfraserlaid challenge over at LiveJournal. Prompt 132: Fraser/Anyone, Dief's POV. (July 2006) Humour/Drama- Rated
PG-13 (F/K).
Tissue/Layer- His life is a tissue of secrets. Originally written for ds_flashfiction's Secrets Challenge. (March 2007) Snippet- Pated PG.
Shopping List (amended)- Fraser writes a shopping list every week and pins it to the fridge with a magnet shaped like a maple leaf. Originally written
for ds_flashfiction's Lists Challenge (April 2007) Humour- Rated PG
Aurora Borealis- Fraser and Ray and the great Northwest Areas. Originally written for ds_flashfiction's Fantastic First Line Festival (May 2007) Rated PG.
Ten Feet Under- I woke up three days before Christmas in a pit, and I couldn't see my way out. Written for ds_flashfiction's Fantastic First Line Festival (May 2007) Rated PG-13.
Paper, Crumpled- Tear a page from your journal... Written for ds_snippets (September 2007) Rated G.
Untoward- the Northern Lights make the all-weather orange of the tent glow with shifting patterns. Romance fic bomb written as part
of ds_match (October 2007) Rated PG.
In Which There Are Turtles- Ray isn't entirely sure which is worse: The turtle that's just concussed him, or the fact that he's being haunted. By
Fraser's dad. Written for Team Romance in ds_flashfiction's ds_match Challenge (October 2007) Rated PG. There is also a coda to this fic: In Which There Is A (Half) Wolf.
Fluid- This is water dark and water cold. Written for ds_snippets (December 2007) Rated G. A podfic of this fic is also available, read by Keerawa.
Wolfsong- Sled tracks arcing across the great white everywhere... Written for ds_snippets (December 2007) Rated G.
An Ocean of Sky- Chicago air is not avian air. Wingfic written for Nos (March 2008) Rated T.
Vibrato- Turtle!fic written for Zabira. Entirely possibly nothing like what she was expecting when she requested it (July 2008)
Rated PG.
Project Ficlateer- During ds_match 2008, I clearly went a bit potty because, in addition to inflicting whimsy!bombs on people and writing my
own Team Whimsy entry, I came up with the idea of gifting every member of both Team Whimsy and Team Reality with an anonymous
ficlet for being so awesome. This idea evolved, grew, ate my brain and ended up being a matched set of realistic and whimsical
ficlets, with their own LJ and writerly pseudonym. Ahahaha (June-July 2008) Rated PG to PG-13.
My Life As A Dog- For reasons that aren't freaking being explained at this juncture, the whole of Chicago is trying to beat Ray Kowalski to
death. Via his nose. Team Whimsy entry for ds_match 2008, involving Dief, RayK and poorly justified bodyswap (September
2008) Rated PG-13.