Can't Catch Me was started by myself pretty much out
of sheer contrariness. At the time, there seemed to be a fad for Changechild stories in the parts of the Valdemar fandom
I was active in. In those stories, said Changeling usually ended up living happily with the Hawkbrothers and/or Chosen
by a Companion. A couple of the stories were well written and believable, but most, sadly, were not.
I abruptly decided that I was going to write my own Changechild story.
Only, in my one, not only would my main character most definitely not be Chosen or Gifted with super-special powers,
she would also not react to being found by the Tayledras with drugged neutrality. In fact, she'd panic her
furry tail off and cause all kinds of drama. And, she'd have a tail because she'd be a Changeling, rather than a Changechild.
After writing the first chapter from the perspective of the Changeling,
i decided that I couldn't accurately portray the story if I just used her as my narrator. This precipitated a decision
to have a second narrator in the form of Shadowstar-- the Tayledras scout who has the "good fortune" to stumble across Cat
the Changeling.
Each chapter is written solely from the perspective of one 'narrator' and they generally
alternate, with a small amount of overlap on the beginning/end of each chapter.

The Story.
Fanart for Can't Catch Me.

A sketch of Cat the Changeling, done for me by the very lovely Senashenta--
who apparently rates Can't Catch Me as one of her favourite stories written by me.